Hello Dear Heart
Thank you for landing here with me like a bird landing on a tree of curiosity to perhaps rest for a while and lean in for support. I welcome you to perch here.
We all have a UNIQUE journey in life based on past soul incarnations and our familial and spiritual lineages combined with life experiences and challenges that we overcome and grow from in this lifetime.
Doing The Work means seeing the fear, identifying the block or pain and then moving right through it as opposed to bypassing or avoiding it.
What is in the way of aligning the Heart with Spirit, is The Work.
This work may show up in your life as fear or resistance, pain in the body, anxiety, depression, isolation, lethargy, mental trauma, blocks, dis-ease, belief systems, conditioning patterns, trauma in this lifetime and or past soul incarnations, to name a few.
Facing into the FEAR can cause anguish, pain to surface, or a sense of feeling lost or helpless, and that is when I have found it helpful to have the support of a teacher to mentor you through the process.
However, when we face into the FEAR we awaken the LOVE and thereby heal what is in the way.
The Work becomes a new pathway for, The Grace to flow and permeate our whole unlimited existence. A life united by Spirit feeling free to BE, open, expand, love, receive, express and awaken the ultimate true nature of our soul.
No matter the cause, the underlying TRUTH comes down to FEAR vs. LOVE.
Over the years, through my own life journey, I’ve been groomed to act as a bridge from Spirit to your unique heart. Spirit guides me to act as a deep, present and ancient well to support and profoundly reflect the truth and love that already exists within you. This is who you authentically are without the armour and bells & whistles of the ego.
When we hear the inner calling to WAKE UP, it is time.
It is up to each of us to heal and reclaim the unique path tailor made for us by the Divine. There’s no map for this journey but I can guide you. With laser focused mentorship, teachings and practices, loving support, accountability and the eagle eye of Spirit, I can guide you back to your heart, allowing you to discover your own special path.
The exciting part is that when you DO wake up, you will begin to see the world from your distinctive vantage point, giving you the potential to awaken all the gifts you have been given that, up until now, may have remained dormant.
That is because diving into the UNKNOWN, life opens up in new and unexpected ways and this is where the magic happens! MAGIC doesn’t exist in what we can see but in what is revealed to us through sacred tending and uncovering when Spirit is at the helm.
I am a bridge from the UNKNOWN into the KNOWN.
Take my hand Beloved.
Going through this process will free you up to “Re-Wild YOUR Soul.” That primitive, raw, authentic creature will then be free to dance, sing, paint, write, orchestrate, and express itself in every part of your life from relationships to work to how you are in this world.