Work With Sonia
Are you seeking guidance from Darkness to Light?
- Are you tired of meeting the same resistance or blocks in your life without overcoming them on your own?
- Do you feel like you are lost, out at sea, drowning inside and calling from the depths of your heart & soul for someone to support you during these challenges?
- Do you trust the voice of your spirit? If not, is there an inner feeling or curiosity that senses a deep inner knowing?
- Do you feel lost in the unknown? Are you ready to move through the “dark night of the soul” with guidance?
I am here to serve as a buoy of support, a beaming lighthouse to harbor those who need it back to the safety within themselves. I am here to reflect back the love, to illuminate each person’s unique pillar of light while tumbling through the process and allowing all that arises to be integrated.
The gem is often found in the darkness!
Private Sessions
Each time we meet is a profoundly deep healing session that works on the level of the soul channeled through Spirit.
I use various healing modalities depending on what is needed in each moment. I may incorporate somatic release, spiritual counseling, shamanism, breath work, movement therapy, bodywork and energy clearing, to name a few.
Each session is uniquely guided by Spirit as I attune to the frequencies & connection to Spirit directly. Each session is 90-120 minutes via Zoom or in Person at my office in Encinitas, CA.
Woman’s Spiritual Healing Circles
Held in a sacred way to create the space for woman to connect with other woman and to offer a place for deep work to unfold on a consistent weekly basis. The workshops are always unique however they generally have the following components:
1. Arrival Connection
2. Meditation Prayer
2. Movement DanceMedicine & Breath Awareness
3. Individual Healing & Mentorship Work
5. Integration
6. Transition
Transformational Healing Circles
~ All are welcome ~
A “Spirit lab”exploration into the unknown. We will create a safe transformative healing container for participants to feel heard, to release, to open, to expand, and to connect deeper with their hearts. We will create a circle, offer a meditation, release through breath & movement, and will be guided for the remainder of our journey together.
All participants may receive healing energy & or bodywork, intuitive guidance, and an authentically unique way of being worked on that is catered by Spirit.
Those present will have the opportunity to witness another’s healing and be witnessed by others during their own healing. This creates a dynamic and powerful group healing energy field which has the potential to facilitate next to miracles on the individual, group, and collective level. Facilitated by Sonia Reece & Francis Larocque.
Inquire about the Inner Pilgrimage of the Heart Program. Intensives for students whom are at a point on their Spiritual Journey where they are ready to receive individual and or group laser focused Spiritual Mentorship.
5 week to 4 month Programs
Divine Union Sessions
Powerful Spiritual partnership sessions and workshops that will support on working with the individual while in partnership that will transform the relationship from the inside out. The connection with spirit being the foundation for the Divine love to nourish the relationship.
The work is supporting in getting to the root of each Divine Union dynamic and opening to a whole new way of sovereign relating. The space will be held in a way that all involved feel safe, learn how to trust, and feel supported through the process. Facilitated by Sonia Reece and Francis Larocque.
Transformational Healing Workshops
Tools of Transformation to support in the Embodiment of Spirit while healing and releasing one’s current process through Shamanic Breath Work Journeys, TranscenDANCE Dance Medicine Journeys, Nature as Medicine Healing Experiences, and More. Learning Tools of Transformation to support you in between One on One sessions, Programs, and Retreats.
Local & Destination Retreats included with Specific Programs.
Trust. Surrender. Allow. Receive. Embody LOVE.
“I AM passionate about sharing or reminding others of Mother Earths Wisdom, tapping into the magic that aligns when I follow the eyes, heart, and laughter of my soul through the canvas of the earth ~ tapping into the infinite potential of the rivers, oceans, mountains, desert, moon, stars, trees, and beyond. Her wisdom runs through my veins as I share my uniqueness as a modern-day Medicine Women, connecting deeply with my Native Mexican Indian roots.
I was born seeking the path of light, as I embraced my Shadow through persistent Spiritual growth. Through the connection of Father Sky and Mother Earth, I walk grounded, connected, and activated as a conduit of Creation. I share. I remind others of who they are.
We are all unique sparks of life! The joy in life is the great mystery of the unknown.
Trust in the ebb and flow! Life is magical, rich, and wild!”
~ Sonia Reece ~
Interested In Working Together?
Let’s Explore the Possibilities, on a DISCOVERY SESSION. Click Below to Begin the Journey.