
womens-circleREWILDING: Women’s Story Circle

When: The First Sunday of Every Month in Encinitas, California

Story: Women Who Run With the Wolves

Contact: Sonia

We gather as Women together in Ritual and Transform through Myth, Fairy Tale & Story in a Monthly Sacred Circle.

Our WHY: WE gather….
For all Women in the World. For the Soul of the World. For the Collective Psyche. For Our Ancestors. For the Future of this Planet and all the Beings that inhabit it. When the Women Remember who they are, the Men will too.

Our Definition of “Re-Wilding”:

*A Re-Membering through Myth, Fairy Tale & Story
*A Re-Claiming of Our Intuition & Instinctual Nature
*An Honoring of Our Ancestral Lineage
*A Re-Trieving of Our Real Soul-Life
*A Re-Connection to Our Deep Knowing
*Making A Place for the Creative Force Within Us
*A Re-Membering of our Primal-Earth-Self, Our “Criatura”
*An Honoring of Cycles
*A Sacred Ritual of Connection to the Wild Woman Within

What is the Intention of Our Circles?

We gather together as Women, honoring our Ancestors and Earth-Wisdom through Sharing Myth, Fairy Tale & Story. Our time and space together is a Sacred Ritual of Connection and a Re-Memberance to the Wild Woman within all of Us.

This circle may involve Literary Works from Wise Women such as:

*Women Who Run With The Wolves,
Untie the Strong Woman (Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes)
*Aphrodite’s Daugher (Jalaja Bonheim)
*Sacred Women Behind Bars (Betty Lenora)
*Marion Woodman
*Anna Halprin
*Daria Halprin
*Anastasia Series
and more…

This circle may involve practices such as:

*expressive arts
*somatic body wisdom
*earth-mind awareness
*medicine wheel
*heart-centered non-violent communication
*sacred witnessing
*movement as medicine
*plus more…

Come As You Are, We Accept and Welcome You

14c7ab07465b1f6e9886b594f92ce727“Having a lover/friend who regards you as a living growing criatura, being, just as much as the tree from the ground, or a ficus in the house, or a rose garden out in the side yard… having a lover and friends who look at you as a true living breathing entity, one that is human but made of very fine and moist and magical things as well… a lover and friends who support the ciatura in you… these are the people you are looking for. They will be the friends of your soul for life. Mindful choosing of friends and lovers, not to mention teachers, is critical to remaining conscious, remaining intuitive, remaining in charge of the fiery light that sees and knows.”

― Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype



A Self-Love you ARE love Dancing Freedom Ceremony~

Do you love yourself to the core of your soul? Do you have a self-love/care practice? Would you agree that if you love yourself entirely, then you have the capacity to unconditionally love those on your life journey??!! (partners, lovers, kiddos, animals, strangers, community, and the planet) Prior to “saving” others or the planet, I advocate that you fully open to receive yourself with unconditional LOVE. Once we are FULL, the abundance over-flows to ALL. Let’s overflow with love and gratitude together on the dance floor!!!??? You will be SO ready to BE fully loving and present for your Valentine on the 13th or meet a Valentine;)

$20 at the door without a Chocolate
$23 at the door with a Chocolate

Pre-Sale Tickets Offered Below:

** Bring Cash for tickets and for Extra Chocolates**

Live Music By Kerem Brule with YES to MUSIC. Playing instruments such as the Didgeridoo and Pan Drums, along with amazing medicinal beats to facilitate your self love journey.

Dancing Freedom offers the invitation to dance your medicine. It’s an ecstatic, somatic, shamanic, and expressive dance in ceremonial environment. Your presence and willingness to dance your medicine is mindfulness in motion. It is a conscious dance practice that invites us to trust and follow the wisdom of the body and the dancer inside who has a deep knowing of the wisdom within and inter-connectedness of our whole community and planetary reflection. If we each do our part in loving ourselves and doing the work, it will ripple out to shift the consciousness of the planet.

Dancing Freedom is a restful and dynamic practice and you can expect to be welcomed into a contained, non- judgmental space of free expression, in which all that you bring is welcome and relevant.

When we give the body permission to move and express what’s inside without the interference of the ‘stories’ of our busy minds, whatever is inside shifts and moves and we find ourselves altered and renewed. With continued practice we find new stories become manifest in our lives. This is the medicine of movement.

6:30-7- Doors Open. Music Starts
7:10- Doors Locked. Opening Circle
7:30- Elemental Dance Wave. Invoking and Embodying the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether as the medicine. The rhythmic medicinal invitation of the music, threaded by the Theme, and strong supportive space holding will empower the dancer to connect deeply with their soul expression. Free yourself!! Are you ready to release resistance, fear, conditioning patterns, stuck emotions, conditioned behavior, and our ancestral bondage? Those present will weave a potent tapestry of the energetic matrix that is present during each unique dance. Are you ready to say YES to life!!??? I SEE you.

Harvest the dance that danced you to your current truth. We move from un-ordinary to the ordinary spaces as we release our dance and tune into the medicine words that were cultivated during the dance.

Share-back- We connect with another through a talking partner circle where you will translate your shamanic experience into words through your authentic voice. Speaking from the bodies intelligence. The senses are a gateway to Intimacy with yourself and the Universe.
Inner Dance- Subtle Internal Duet dance practice. The practice of sacred witness and sacred dancer. We practice compassion and non-judgement.

9:10-9:30 Closing Circle- Sacred Sharing .

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

To all my relatives. We are all related.